As 2021 begins, many people will be focusing on their New Year, New Me journey. For many this journey will be about health. We are inspired by the New Year because it’s marks the start of a another year around the sun, another chance to make a difference. You can finally leave the past behind! After what many will consider a horrible year, maybe even the worst year possible, many will vow that this is their year! This is the year that we will finally commit to making changes and of course stick to them.
I would like to say that I was one of those people but I’m not. I am going to work on myself this year of course cause there’s always room for improvement but I am not sure if I have the discipline to commit right now. So I found someone who has committed to a healthy lifestyle change and hopefully she will help guide and motivated you if you are ready to commit.
Monet committed to these changes a few years ago and is still pushing forward. She will also be the first to admit that staying committed to an healthy lifestyle is hard and yes, it is well worth it. So I thought who’s better to ask than her for advice to give to someone that is just starting out. Keep in mind Monet is not an expert, these are things that worked for her!
Truly Marvelous: Hey Monet! Just wanted to take a second to thank you for taking the time for doing this.
Monet Lawton: No problem! Thanks for asking.
TM: Ok, let’s start. What motivated you to want to get in shape?
ML: After a severe leg injury in which I broke my leg and required permanent plates, I became a little lazy and picked up a few pounds. I began working out sporadically but didn’t really start to take it seriously until I was asked to run a half marathon with a co-worker.
TM: How often do you workout?
ML: I tend to work with a workout 5 to 6 days a week. If I don’t get a chance to physically go to the gym I try to do some activity at home whether it’s a fitness Marshall workout or even a quick run.
TM: Did you change your eating habits?
ML: Most definitely, food is most of the work. It’s 80/20 80% diet and 20% activity. I love food and I don’t believe in diets (or so-called fad diets) I think that it should be a lifestyle change. As a huge foodie I began with the generic meal prep, you know… Protein (baked chicken), a starch (brown rice), and a vegetable. I barely made it through the week eating it because it was repetitive. I knew in order to reach my goals I would have to do something that was going to stick. So I started looking on Pinterest and I began to follow awesome food bloggers like my favorite Kevin curry from @fitmencook. To sum it up I just found ways to make the foods I love healthier, more of a (eat this and not that approach). Even with that, I enjoyed what I loved in moderation. It’s totally ok to treat yourself occasionally, just not all the time.
TM: Provide an example of your weekly workout.
ML: My workouts are separated by muscle groups. Leg day first, back and biceps, chest and triceps, shoulders, abs, and some sort of cardio every day.
TM: Provide a weekly food guide.
ML: When it comes to eating, I chose an eat this and not that approach, it’s more sustainable. If I were to give any suggestions or a guide, I would say meal prep, if not the whole meal at least the ingredients for a meal. Prep some snacks. It would help you stay satisfied between meals, so you don’t hulk out during lunch or dinner. I mainly try to keep healthy snacks around me all the time (veggies and hummus, and avocado, trail mix, cheese sticks) oh yeah, and lots of water!!! I don’t drink sodas or a lot of fruit juices.
TM: Are you meeting your goals?
ML: Yes, every time I meet a goal, I set another goal in order to continue to challenge myself. We are all constant works in progress. Currently, I’m training for my first spartan sprint which is a pretty intense OCR (Obstacle Course Race) in hopes of completing a full spartan and moving on to training for a triathlon. My primary goal has always been to live a happy and healthy life and that is a goal that takes constant work.
TM: How has working out change your lifestyle?
ML: It has changed my lifestyle completely, for example, it began when I started to train for the half-marathon. I realized that in order to run and ultimately complete the race I needed to do more than just run. My whole body needed to be stronger (legs, core, arms everything), to cross-train I needed proper fuel for my workouts, etc. I changed everything about my life from how I look at food and my relationship with it, how i spent my days and what was important. It forced me to prioritize myself and my health.
TM: How would you motivate someone who wants to start working out?
ML: I would start with finding out your why? Why do you want to workout? What do you want to accomplish? It doesn’t have to be a race or anything extraordinary, it just needs to be enough to make 5 you want to move. Next just move!!! It doesn’t have to be the gym, make it fun it shouldn’t be a chore. Whatever it is, the activity should bring you joy. Switch it up… Go for a walk, maybe the trampoline park, hike the mountain, roller skating. Your body just needs a bit of a push. Once you make the first step everything will begin to fall into place. Your body will tell you what it needs to move forward.
TM: Did you ever feel like quitting? If so, what made you continue?
ML: Every now and then I get lazy, or just tired because as adults we deal with a lot on a daily basis… Work, family, other relationships, obligations, and sometimes you just get tired of the routine and you just want to take a break. So, when I feel like I’m stuck in a rut, I take the break, re-evaluate and remember why I do what I do. For me, it helps me handle the stressful situations in my day to day. I remember the way it makes me feel, the peace that it gives me, the fact that I have set a goal for myself whether it be a race or just to live a long healthy life as I stated before.
TM: Any tips on how to get started? Workout plans you used? Trainers? Videos?
ML: If running is something that you are interested in, I would start with the couch25k app. It literally takes you from being a couch potato to being prepared for your first 5k, the app uses walk/run intervals to ultimately being able to run an entire 3.1miles. I also reached out to a classmate of mine by the name of Kenyatta Banks he has videos OnDemand, YouTube videos ( www.kenyattabanksarsenal.com ), and a great Instagram page. Also, sign up for an event to hold you accountable and have something to work toward. Another awesome youtuber is the fitness Marshall, he has great dance fitness videos.
Beginning of the Journey:
During the Journey:
Monet continues to work out daily, if possible and is fully committed to this lifestyle. I have witness it firsthand. She currently works multiple jobs and is also finishing up her degree.
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